PRIME HEALTH compliance with ISO 14001-2015 (Environment Management system) & OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System specifications) is committed to provide a safe and healthful workplace for our employees, to act responsibly to protect the environment and to be recognized by the communities in which we live and work as an excellent employer and corporate neighbour.
Personnel are equipped with Personal Protective Equipment and trained in handling chemicals and hazardous wastes at work place as applicable. Mock drills/ Fire drills are conducted periodically to train personnel to act in the event of an emergency. Safety Officers and volunteers are identified and trained to help personnel in need of assistance during such events. Periodic vaccinations cards are maintained and health check-ups with blood tests and X-rays are conducted for staff.
Environmental conditions are controlled and maintained to comply with local, regional, national, statutory and regulatory requirements. The facilities are equipped with smoke and fire detection and fire hydrant system.
Provide employees, customers, shareholders, officials and the public with timely and appropriate information on our environmental health and safety programs and activities.